By Ahsan
You are the sum total of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot - it's all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that, I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.
Maya Angelou
We live in a world where we can see certain people enjoy very high levels of material success.
The names of billionaires are now household names.
Many people are held in high esteem because of their various achievements and success.
Regardless of who is successful and how they became successful,
have you ever wondered, how they became successful at what they do?
Is there a sort of recipe for success? Is it available for all to copy?
What is ultimately the reason for someone being successful or being the opposite, however, you want to define that?
When we look at how successful people achieved what they have, we may come to one of two observations.
One would be that through good planning and hard work, they earned it.
The other would be that from being at the right place at the right time, in other words getting lucky, they became successful.
Getting lucky is how lottery winners tend to become successful but the reality of life is that those who plan and work hard on their plan, starters, finishers, and action takers WIN the title of being called truly successful.
Not only do such people earn their success, in my books, they deserve that success!
If you and I are to be successful, we should take personal responsibility and expect nothing from anyone.
Any lucky breaks, wonderful upbringings, education from institutions, or street knowledge should be considered opportunities and bonuses, but not guarantees of future success.
There are plenty of people who had great childhoods, gold and pearls thrown at their feet and happenstance but due to their limited thinking, they never made it to the winner’s podium.
In order to be successful, let it be known as a fact to all and sundry, that your personal thinking is 100% causative!
You are 100% responsible for your success.
The thoughts you dwell on and place in your mind shape your life’s experience and results!
The plans you lay for yourself, the dreams you dare to dream, and the ultimate action on your plans and dreams will only ever come from your thoughts.
When people talk about positive thinking, getting rich by thinking, or being in the “now”, they are knowingly or unknowingly pointing to this phenomenon of thinking!
We have been given the gift of thinking.
Become aware of it.
But use it as the powerful force and tool that it was meant to be.
Allow it to grow into a positive force for your success.
Be grateful for this gift of thinking. Our Creator is our benefactor indeed.
You are a thinker.
Let your thinking reveal the path ahead, as you pursue the most awesome life possible.
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