By Ahsan
“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.”
Les Brown
Everyone has goals, even if it’s to get to tomorrow and the day after that.
But what about achieving your bigger goals, like improving your health (getting rid of visceral fat), increasing your wealth (adding to your investments regularly), or getting your career in high gear (taking a course to get a higher-paying skill)?
All such goals you hope to achieve will only happen if you do something simple but often left out of the equation.
Any goal you ever achieved had a certain quality: those goals were commitments with a vital purpose behind them.
Any other goals you had were mere wishes. It's all a dream. It's something nice but not a serious commitment. Otherwise, you would have achieved it!
So here is what you might do if you are a committed sort of goal guy or gal:
State your Goal; declare it; own it, but make it a commitment. Just spend an hour with yourself and write down your Goal (read Commitment) in a notebook.
Now imagine the feeling you will have once you achieve this Commitment…I mean Goal.
Finally, determine the steps and the price you will pay to achieve this feeling from having genuinely committed to your Goal with a tremendous purpose.
Keep this simple.
You don't need an accountability partner. Because you are committed. You don't need to meditate, do affirmations, or do a firewalk! You don’t need to persevere. You don’t need to maintain motivation. You don’t need steps, check-ins or celebrations.
You will not need this because it will be automatically built into your intuitive way of being fueled by the energy of having a commitment that you are pursuing so you can feel awesome for having done what few people ever do.
All you need to do is raise your level of conscious awareness that what you are after comes from a commitment aligned with your purpose. Have that kind of thinking. Have that kind of discipline and make 2024 the year you finally know the power of having commitments, not dreams.
Need more motivation to achieve your goals in 2024? Here it is. Life is short. You only have so much time left on the planet. Your one-way ticket for departure could come anytime. So do what you can. Now!
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