By Shazad
Many people have had a challenging year, and many continue to do so. However, for those fortunate enough to be enjoying some peaceful holiday time with their family and friends in late December, it’s a time of calm, recovery, and reflection. As the start of January 2024 approaches, we will be called to return to work or business or simply, our daily routines with school, children, and chores. We will be asked to show up ready, motivated, and passionate about whatever we are engaged in, and we must comply for everyone’s benefit.
“In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger”
‘Once More unto the Breach, Dear Friends’ Speech from Henry V
If you have the time to step away from the frantic pace of a busy life and all the issues, it’s important to think about the year that has passed. What did you accomplish? How prepared are you for the new year and the rest of your life? What are you going to do differently and with more resolve, passion, and courage?
Now is the time to build your strength, make bold plans for a new year, and become the disciplined warrior you know you can be. You may not be going to an actual war (I sincerely hope you don’t), but you will still need to be focused, determined to win, and prepared to keep pushing your life forward throughout the new year. Just like a professional soldier does in actual combat.
Some days will feel like a battle. Maybe it will be many days in a row. Some of the difficulties you face may even leave you with a kind of “PTSD” or trauma from the experience. I wish I could say it won’t happen or that everything will be fine. The truth is that I don’t know, and nobody does. Only when you face what’s coming can you know where you stand and how you will manage the situation? Many people are so close to victory when they run out of stamina, patience, or both. Don’t let that happen to you. Exercise your body and mind so you can prepare for the longer, more complex challenges coming your way. Realize that some things you face will be quickly resolved but other things will require more sweat, energy, and time. Don’t despair and push on!
No one can predict what exactly happens next at work, in the family, in the economy, or life in general. What we know for sure is that things will keep evolving, and we must be ready to adapt and thrive in the face of constant change. Remember, you are capable of achieving great things in 2024. With the right mindset, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way by fighting your way through the walls that stand in your way.
Stay strong, stay focused, and stay positive! You got this, Tiger!
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