By Ahsan
Imagine, instead of the year 2022, you were living in the year 1722. What would your life as an average person be like living in those times?
In general, it would be safe to assume that your life would less safe and secure than it is today.
You would not have a toilet to flush, you would not have a fridge to open and eat your leftovers, you would not be able to go to a grocery store to buy fruit that is out of season, and you would not have several jobs or careers to choose from because your birth and rank in society would probably have kept you boxed or limited from partaking in the best opportunities of the time.
Life today is way better for the average person, let alone someone classified as poor, than it was a mere 200 or 300 years ago. The previous few thousand years prior to even 1822 were pretty much the same in terms of human experience. Then, it was short, nasty and brutish and would have caused you more challenge and concern than the life you live today.
It is my conclusion that life in the centuries before 1822, let alone 1722, would have required your mental resolve to get through life to be of a certain quality that we do not contemplate in these glorious times.
I could end my article here and let you noodle the point I am trying to make. Life today is pretty easy compared to a few hundred years ago, so we should all be cheerful and happy and not just go through life but grow through life!
So why is it that we don’t see it that way? Why do people not live their longer, more joyful and more effortless lives in a manner that reflects the current reality of the modern era and its progress in terms of human standards of living?
Here is what I think. Perhaps, it's because we have not progressed to understand how we experience life as quickly as we moved with scientific discovery in the areas of medicine, plumbing, automation and wireless communication.
We don't know what we should know to enjoy our life because we don't understand how we experience life.
Your life and my life is experienced by our thinking that causes our feelings. When we think light and happy thoughts, we don’t feel bad, sad or mad. Get it?
The problem is that we get instantly caught up in a thought and its immediate effect on our mood (feelings) and remain in that mental state until a new thought comes in to replace it.
So, to make the most of your life and enjoy it, start contemplating and testing the theory that your life is experienced based on your thinking which causes your feelings.
You feel what you think 100% of the time.
Based on this, you can now let go of 3 things you may not need anymore because they are techniques. You might not need techniques if you conclude that life is experienced by the quality of our thoughts and not from external issues like circumstances or people that make us happy or unhappy.
What are those three things? In no particular order: meditation, gratitude journaling, and achieving important goals.
You don’t need to do them if you understand what happens to a person that is meditative and living in the moment; is grateful for what they have and not envious of others, and is happy striving for things because they enjoy the process of learning.
So they don't necessarily need techniques because that is their way of being. They don't need techniques as a remedy to feel better because they never understood the root cause of their feelings (experience of life).
Reminder: it’s all thinking.
So the next book you should read is not Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill but rather:
Think and Grow Your Most Awesome Life by (fill in your name).
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