By Shazad
All of us want to change something about our lives. It could be our wealth, our educational level, or our fitness capabilities. Everyone is looking for something to improve or change for the better. The most fundamental thing, in my opinion, is to start by knowing your value just as you are today. We all need to begin with love and respect at the very start of any great transformation journey.
There are so many mixed messages and often negative tones about people at the start or the middle of life-changing journeys. Many people on fitness challenges will start by literally hating their body or their whole being and wanting a change. Other people may condemn themselves for their lack of education or their limited financial capabilities. All of this creates a weak and unstable foundation for the required changes. So what should we do instead?
Here’s how I do it and I strongly believe you should consider it too. First, I start by accepting the person I am today and whatever resources, life experiences, and health I have in the here and now. Next, I create what my ideal outcome would be in a given aspect of my life such as my health and fitness. I also associate a strong WHY for the changes I want to realize in one or more aspects of my life. What do I hope to BECOME in the process of the life transformation and why does it matter? Until I like the person I am today and desire a change to become an even better person with more energy, happiness, and fulfillment in life, I won't be successful in the process. I have to know and truly believe that I’m good enough as a human being. I don’t want to be ungrateful or pessimistic in the beginning because negativity cannot fuel positive change or an enjoyable process. I don’t have to sugarcoat anything or lie to myself about who I am but I shouldn’t beat up myself because that serves no purpose.
When we start from a position of love and kindness to ourselves, we can make our journey and all the struggle we are bound to face, much more manageable. We are ALL WORTHY of Love and also Progress. Since we can all improve ourselves at any point in life, we need to recognize this and move forward with this in mind. I wish you all the most Awesome of Life Transformations. Smile and enjoy the ride.
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