By Ahsan
Have you ever wondered why some people do well while others don’t? Is it because they are disciplined or are more committed than others?
What is their secret? What clues might we discover that explain their extraordinary results?
A study of top performers might point you to a host of reasonable ideas for success.
For example, you can have a motivating vision and commit to an action plan. You can implement a time management system and become more productive. You can even learn to sell better by adopting a consultative approach and closing more deals. And if you like, you can become a master negotiator and reach new heights.
But there is one thing that leaves all these things in the dust⎯being a good communicator.
The most critical and rare ability that a person can possess is the gift of speaking well!
You will stand out when you can communicate with others in a clear and memorable way.
Not only will you stand out, but you will get paid better than your peers, whether in terms of money, recognition or bigger promotions.
Oddly, we all speak, and many of us may take it for granted that we are pretty good at it, but as they say, there is always room for improvement.
It doesn't matter which profession or business you are in. But, if you can explain things well to others, motivate them, help them to consider new ideas and teach them concepts, you can only do better whether you are a teacher, salesperson, doctor, politician, personal trainer or parent.
Top performers and leaders we admire are excellent communicators, and we can join them if we work at it.
Here are a few good ideas to ponder on the road to improving your speaking prowess:
As Zig Ziglar once said, "shy salesmen have skinny kids." Don't be shy. Speaking to an audience of one is usually easier than talking to many, but good communicators are willing to do it. The more you do something, the easier it gets; speaking well and being memorable are no different.
Another idea is to read a variety of things and topics. As you do so, make mental or written notes of what you are soaking in. These things you read about will become great conversation pieces and can supply you with examples or stories to share that may enhance your conversations.
And as the musician asked a stranger how to get to Carnegie Hall was told “you get there by practice, practice, practice.” You too need to practice. Good orators and memorable speakers are not born.
Of course, you can study the art of speaking and even identify a few role models, but in the end, the more you do it, the better you will get. And the fantastic thing, you will develop a style that you will own that is uniquely yours.
So get out there, start a conversation, and see yourself as a great speaker! Life is too short to ignore the opportunities you have to improve yourself.
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