By Ahsan
Everyone experiences that "inner conversation" during their waking hours and also while they are sleeping. A zillion thoughts go through our heads. Sometimes the thoughts, or more accurately, the conversation we are having with ourselves, are downright awful, and other times they are genuinely present, lucid, and controlled.
So, the question I pose is, “How do you stop it?”, especially if you are not experiencing positive effects from your inner dialogue?
The short answer is you most likely can't stop it. This thinking process is constant and very natural. It cannot be stopped much like a beam of light from a star zooming through space and time. It just keeps traveling forward. However, you can control light to make it go around objects, and the same is true for the thoughts in your mind.
They say analogies help a person to understand complex ideas, so here’s an analogy for you. Think of your mind as a car, a fantastic car that gets you comfortably to your destination and lets you enjoy the ride. This is of course true only if you drive with care and maintain your car so it’s tuned up. Imagine what would happen if your car had a faulty steering wheel and brakes. Would you be able to accurately or safely make turns? Would you have a comfortable ride down the highway or even your local streets? What about slowing down or stopping when you needed to?
Every car needs to be controlled by its driver using its steering wheel and brakes. Similarly, every mind needs to be controlled using its version of steering and brakes. You must not let your mind race around all day like an out-of-control car that is going to crash into things and people. Don't let your mind run continuously as well because, just like a car, your mind will burn out. This is simply a wrong way to live. It is a bad habit, just like any other bad habit you know you need to drop.
The controlled and tuned-up mind is a beautiful place to live and move around in. However, the mind that is the servant is way better than the mind that becomes a cruel master!
Below are a few things you can do to flip the switch and take control of your inner car.
Action Steps:
1. Resolve to leave the bad habit of allowing your mind to run on or behave like a car without a properly functioning steering wheel.
2. Model success. Study the lives of people past and present who lived beautiful lives because they mastered their minds and tuned their thoughts on a daily basis.
3. Check in with your thoughts every few hours, especially if they put you into a negative state. Are they correct about your reality and the direction you are actually heading? Correct your steering to get back on the proper path for you.
Well, I hope this short commentary with some practical suggestions was helpful. Don't worry too much about stopping a beam of light or bad thoughts. Instead, check your mental steering, brakes, and change lanes when needed. Drive Safely!
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