Plant Some Seeds

By Shazad

It may not be the time to actually plant any fruit or vegetable seed right now but you can still plant seeds.  Ideas, good deeds and good works are all seeds you can start “planting” every day.

Now more than ever, we need more positivity and goodness in the world.  It starts with you and your habits. How you talk, think and act are the ‘seeds’ you are sowing every day. Making choices about how you behave with other people is like creating a garden for you and others to interact with.

The better you care for your garden and the things planted within it, the better your experience will be.  Overtime, you will need to water this garden and protect from harmful insects and disease.  The act of caring for your garden on a regular basis is the necessary daily work in order to have a healthy garden. In the same way, having a healthy life requires your daily work in your personal ‘garden’.  

So, what seeds are you planting today for a beautiful garden?