How a Little Boy Fixed The World

By Ahsan

 I want to tell you a really cool story today.

A father and his son were sitting together in their living room on a peaceful Sunday.

The little boy of seven years old was not interested in the nature documentary his father was watching. He kept asking him when they would go out to play cricket, as promised.

The father wanted to finish watching his program and came up with an idea to keep his son busy for twenty minutes. Or so he thought.

He grabbed a nearby magazine that had a map of the World on it. He then ripped it into tiny pieces and jumbled them up in his palm and put it on the coffee table. He then asked his son to put the picture back together again.

The little boy was done in five minutes and showed his father, his reconstructed picture of the World. The father was astonished and asked his son how he finished the puzzle so quickly.

The little boy replied, "It was easy, on the other side of the paper was a picture of a man. All I had to do was fix the man, and the World took care of itself!"

The father was proud of his son's ingenuity, and at the same time, he was taken back by the deep wisdom, imparted by his 7-year-old son.

We all need to take care of fixing ourselves. The work needs to be done from the inside out. If we work on ourselves, our outer world will take care of itself.

And that’s the end of the story.

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