How To Use 2020 To Get Ahead

By Shazad

It’s the last quarter of 2020 as I write this. This challenging year is finally coming to a close in a few months and it feels like many years have passed by instead of just a few months. There have been many changes and new realities to deal with. Lots of people, companies, and governments were tested. Some figured out how to dance with the moment while others stumbled and fell over.

To make the most of your lockdown, do a little bit more with the spare time you do have so you can accelerate and come out ahead in 2021. Don’t sit idle or be depressed at the situation. Take advantage of the opportunities to learn from the comfort of your couch while you wear pajamas past lunchtime on a Wednesday…and then it’s really time to change your clothes because some rules of house etiquette are definitely being broken if you continue with PJs in the afternoon.

Most people won’t use this time wisely to improve their health, relationships, and wisdom. You can be the rare exception and come out ahead. You’ve always wanted an advantage in life and never backed away from a challenge before so step up and move forward while others binge-watch on Netflix for the 5’th day in a row

You are strong enough, smart enough, and are surrounded by so much useful technology. Use it to the maximum potential and demonstrate how Awesome growth is done!

Here’s some framework to get you started:

  1. Don’t sleep in. Get up 15-30 minutes earlier and use the time to exercise for at least 15 minutes before breakfast.

  2. Make a list of 5-10 books you are going to read before the end of the year and get started on book number 1 today. Aim for 1 completed book each week and continue to the next one.

  3. Make your Life Resolutions by Sunday and take action on Monday to get started on taking action to achieve your resolutions. Don’t wait for the New Year.

  4. Clean up your pantry so there is no more than one item that is a treat. Everything should be healthy and wholesome food.

  5. Read/Watch or listen to something from a source you don’t fully agree with and try to understand their perspective.