Don't you love it when you wake up, and you feel like a million dollars?
How about when your first cup of tea or coffee tastes just perfect? Or how about that feeling when you get a new client, make a new sale or nail a presentation at work?
Personally, I love it when someone notices how good I look.
If only every day could be this way!
Well? How about you?
Don’t you enjoy life more when it is going your way?
When people around you are behaving the way they should? When everything you touch turns into gold?
Especially when this happens every day?
Do you agree that life should be easy and not hard?
But sometimes it seems like life is hard and brutish, nasty and monotonous. One day things are up, and the next, they are sideways. What about days that everything that could go wrong, go very wrong? Life is not fair! Why does everything have to be so damn hard?
Do you have the answer?
May I offer one that could change your outlook on life forever? After learning this insight, you may well see life as it is for the first time and be able to relax into life truly.
Here it is: Life is not supposed to be easy.
That’s it.
Stop wondering or complaining. All of nature and your own experience and observation prove that life is not supposed to be easy.
An orchard of mango trees needs to be planned and cultivated. A business will go through ups and downs even if the owner is a millionaire. People with healthy and slim physiques need to stick to their plan over years⎯not 90 days.
And on the other hand, a storm can wipe out a town in a few minutes with innocent people in it. The survivors rally and rebuild. They were strong in spirit and mind. The mentally weak among them become resentful of life and stop living even though they are alive.
Life is a trial as much as it is an open book test. You will have wins and losses. Joys and pain. Ups and downs. The difference will be from this day forward, it will not be a surprise.
Life is not supposed to be easy.
And 2020, like any year before it or after it, will not be easy. Those who are strong both in spirit and mentally will rally. You are one of them.
Here is your action plan for 2020:
Please write down your goals that you must achieve this year and resolve to get them done regardless of how hard things get in life.
The next time one of your friends or relatives goes through a tough time in life, remind them that life is not supposed to be easy.
Share this article with them if you please.
All the best to you in 2020 and beyond. May you be strong, both in spirit and mind.
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