You Can't Take it With You!

By Shazad

So many people are focused on making lots of money and accumulating wealth through real estate, precious minerals, stocks or bonds and even digital currencies. Have you thought about what it’s all for? How much money or wealth do we actually need for today and for our later years? Perhaps we are missing the point of living well with what we have and ignoring the true riches in life. Here are 3 keys to real wealth that I think we should focus on Legacy, Time, and Energy.

When we are young, we have lots of time, energy and very little idea of a legacy. We share this time and energy with our parents who are the ‘banks’ we withdraw from. When we grow up and our parents are seniors, they are entitled and deserving to withdraw from our accounts as part of their living legacy. In reality, our assets and those of our parents are form the same pool just like the common air, light and feelings in the room. We can’t divide the air into what I’m breathing in vs. my father or mother is breathing in. It’s also not possible to say who gets to the natural sunlight shining into the room. The happy feelings and love in the room is also not something that can be partitioned and assigned to one person or another. We are all part of one big whole and share in a common legacy of memories and history.

When you think about life like this, how should you live to maximize your wealth? I suggest we forget about building material wealth through properties, cash, gold or something else. Instead, focus on how you can maximize your time, energy to build a happy legacy with your family members. Give more time to family and worry less about how much money is in your savings account. Forget about how much money your property is worth or what the current price of gold is. It won’t really matter when you are dead. Live with sincerity, kindness and acceptance that you are here for a short time so you should realize your true wealth is not something you can easily measure or calculate. Spend your valuable time, energy and love fully in this world without any holding back. Even if that means you die financially ‘broke’ or poor from the worldly point of view. The richness of life that you have lived will leave a powerful and truly rich history. That is the best thing you can leave behind to the generations that come after you. So, How will you spend your riches while you still have time?