By Ahsan
I was inspired by Shazad, who told me I ought to write out 50 life lessons to correspond with my 50th trip around the Sun. I ended up with 60 for good measure and hope that you might find a few of them to be useful to you.
Childhood adversity can shape you to be a winner.
Words you use profoundly affect how you perform in life.
Seeing yourself doing things well in your mind’s eye translates into you performing well in real life.
Have a few good friends that you stay in touch with at least every two weeks. A good friend makes life that much more happy.
Encourage others to be their best. Your words may be the only encouragement they hear.
Drink tea to relax and enjoy the fact that you have a mug, a teabag, milk, a kettle, clean water, a comfy chair and a place you call home. Be thankful and count your blessings. Watch your happiness increase.
Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses, especially when you intend to excel in life.
Eat processed foods only once every 15 days. Avoid sugar and seed oils.
Copy the habits and mindset of successful people. They may be famous or even your Mom.
Go and meet successful people and ask them good questions.
Be patient and hard working. Rome and yourself were not built in a day. Work hard while others play and live a life less ordinary.
Watch what you are saying in public. Others are listening.
Build your own brand. Decide what it is and devote a lifetime to its reputation.
Be not afraid to do things or of things. Be brave and know you have or can develop skills to handle anything.
Read every day so that you get smarter on a subject that captures your fancy. For example, diet and fitness, Dobermans, watches, religion, investing, personal development.
Practice writing and public speaking, so you sharpen these skills. Become a communicator and a leader.
Look at people who have messed up their lives and don’t do what they do.
Follow good morals and rules found in your religious beliefs. They are designed to give you a life that shields you from suffering and unneeded complications.
Speak to people with respect, and you will get respected back.
Watch movies and read stories that inspire you to live your life with awesomeness.
Take courses to improve your self and your earning abilities.
Make a plan to achieve your goals. Know why your goals are important to you.
Write down goals to achieve over the next six months and act on them.
Get someone to be your accountability coach. Recruit your friend or spouse. You need to report your progress on your goals once every week for the rest of your life.
Friends are a gift of heaven. Cherish your friends and support them back.
Honesty is the only policy. Play the long game. Others will notice.
Mind your own business means to compete only against yourself.
Wish others more success and watch your success blossom.
Prayer in your quiet and private time is the same as meditating.
Your mind has two parts: the horse and the rider. The rider is your conscious mind, and your unconscious mind is the horse. The horse does the will of the rider. A good rider leads the horse. Be a good rider.
Expect good things to happen to you. Your mind will seek those things just as a magnet attracts iron.
Don't trash talk to anyone, especially when they are not in your presence. You will cheapen yourself and only convince spineless listeners.
Take care of your body. You pay for the sins of youth in your older years.
Go for a daily walk to get exercise, keep your back pain-free, stave off stress, anxieties and insomnia. A good walk is an elixir for what ails you.
Stop scaring yourself. Don’t imagine things to be worse than they are. If they turn out bad, you will respond gracefully and not react fearfully.
Be on time by arriving 15 minutes early. Doing this will make you relaxed and permit relaxed thinking and performance.
Family time is important. We are so busy that we have to make it happen. Stay in on a Saturday night and chat about your lives instead of chatting over digital devices while you're on the go.
Don’t lose your temper. When you do, you always wish you didn’t. It’s worth the effort.
Don’t keep good information or ideas to yourself. Share freely and let others benefit too.
Adopt an abundance mentality and be optimistic. Every small thinker and pessimistic person lives below their potential.
There is a proper time in life to do certain things, so do them while you can. Trying to take up tennis when your knees are worn out is one example.
Invest your money early in life and monthly, so it grows through compounding.
Make a plan to be debt-free. Spend less than you make.
Think of ways to increase your income. Ask for a raise by helping your company with an idea to make even more revenue or if you own a business, by selling more products, or by increasing your client base or by selling larger ticket items.
Watch your habits and beliefs. Both will influence the outcomes in your life. They control you like a software program.
Buy fewer things but buy higher quality, so you enjoy what you buy for a long time.
Give to charity and witness your own prosperity take off.
Live in the moment and enjoy your life. It is not a rehearsal.
The prime time of your life is now. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
Remember, you will die. So rather than get gloomy, use this to motivate yourself to really go for it. Live life to the fullest.
Think highly of yourself. Your self-image and esteem for yourself will make or break you.
Mindset is not everything; it is the only thing — all greatness within lies upon the bedrock of a solid mindset.
Know your purpose for living. This will give you the courage to beat all obstacles and setbacks.
Failing is good as long as you see it as feedback to make a comeback and change your direction.
Avoid negativity. This comes in the form of people, the evening news, ideas or surroundings.
Organize your time in blocks. This will help you to get things done. Do all your critical activities in time blocks and don't skip back and forth between unrelated tasks.
Think about your future and flourish. Think about your past and perish.
Never give up. Tomorrow has in it something miraculous for you. Find it.
Affirmations work. The three most powerful to use are: I am..., I choose to...I will have...
This is your life. Live it according to your own book.
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