How To Make Progress in Your Career and Life

By Shazad

Having progress or forward momentum in life is what makes life interesting as well as giving us purpose. That feeling of being stuck or standing still for many days without progress can make a person seriously ill as well as non-productive. I’m going to offer some ideas on how to move forward and keep moving forward every year.

Step 1 is to Increase your awareness of the industry you work in and learn the industry vocabulary as much as you can. Learn new terms, phrases and ideas every month by reading your industry blogs, newsletters and articles.

Step 2 is to Design your work using a specific and detailed career plan. This helps to make sure you are heading in direction you intended through your daily and weekly work. Write out your ideal next level in your career or business.  Describe in detail what your daily routine would be, what your expected income will be and how you would feel during the day.  You should list your top 3 responsibilities in this next level role and what you will be contributing to society when you reach this higher level.

Step 3 is to Review your career development plan.  Revise or confirm your plan as needed with more detail or refine it to take out any unnecessary parts. Check your current actions, beliefs and habits to make sure they align with what you are aiming for. If they do not align,  adjust to get back on track to achieve your ideal future state.

That’s it. Just 3 steps to become more aware, develop a forward moving plan and then executing on that plan every day. The goal is to keep creating and achieving higher quality plans in life and not stopping once you have achieved the immediate next level plan. This is how you keep making progress and keep growing in life.