Don't Make Resolutions! Create Your Identity and Live it Every Day!

By Shazad

It's that time of year again!  People will be thinking about what their New Year's resolutions will be and sharing with everyone only to abandon them by mid-February if not sooner.  Resolutions don't work for most people because they are just actions.  Actions need to be tied to something deeper than a date on the calendar or social customs.

Identity is that special something you need to consider and develop.  What is your identity? What are the characteristics or things about you that you believe define you?  What would others say defines you? That is your current identity and the one you are subconsciously supporting whether you know it or not.  Don't be passive about this any more! You need to consciously think about your identity on a regular basis and intentionally define it from now on.  What do you want to be true about you in 2019 and the rest of your life? What actions will you take to make sure they are part of your best possible identity?

Once you figure out those attributes that define you, you will willingly and consistently take the necessary action steps to support that identity. This can be as simple as saying, "I'm the kind of person that takes care of my health every day, no matter what!". This identity would require the person to always eat good food in moderation and make sure they get their daily movement to maintain health. Another example of an identity is "I'm the kind of person who is patient, kind and considerate to everyone." and this kind of person would make sure they are always polite, they would never get angry at small things or use harsh language towards anyone. 

Write down all the words and phrases that you want to be part of your Awesome identity and review these once a week, if not every day!  This will help you to define the best New Year's and Life Resolutions for you... and motivate you to truly live accordingly to this clearly defined and personalized identity.

Happy Awesome New Year to everyone!