By Shazad
Many people are concerned about what the future of jobs will look like 5, 10 and even 20 years from now. I believe many of the top skills of today will be amplified in the near future for success in the coming years. I will briefly cover 3 of these high demand skills below.
First, the power of curiosity and desire to learn cannot be understated. Whatever your age is or will be, you need to learn and keep on learning. Learning to learn new things is the ultimate career and life skill humanity will always need.
Second, the ability to communicate clearly and in multiple formats for multiple audiences. Whether this means you become a better speaker or writer or online video content creator, the choice is yours. Find out what areas you need to improve upon and work on them to become recognized leader in your field.
Third, and certainly not the least important, is the ability to make sense of information so that it becomes wisdom. There is so much information being generated and transmitted today and it will increase even more in the future. Those who can extract meaning and useful knowledge will become leaders of tomorrow. Those few who can combine the knowledge to make it into a big picture viewpoint will be the Leader of leaders and the most valuable for humanity.
Don’t wait for the future to arrive. It’s just a day away and your ability to develop yourself in the 3 key areas above will determine how well you do. Prepare today for an Awesome future.